Hi Heather,
Well thank you for being so kind. What you said says a lot about you too.
... a parachute is only useful when it is open...
Lucky you don't have to live with me. About a week is all that most people could take. I don't know how my wife has put up with me for... er, let me get this correct...28 years. She deserves a medal - or something! So do my kids. They actually like it when I spend so much time at the computer coz I leave them alone - LOL!
Seriously, I give credit to the illustrious Linda for creating this arena. Without her efforts (and they are huge - make no mistake about that) there would be no dialogue at all.
Now I'm starting to sound like some of those other folks in the conga-line back-slapper forums, so I'll quit while I'm even.
Gary Simpson