Kidding, kidding. Sort of. Let me explain so that it makes sense.
I've had two people ask me - in advance - if it's okay if they post something in response to a thread. They just wanted to "be sure" before they posted. (of course I said of course)
We've had another member tell Gary that he posts so much you'd think it was *his* forum. You know what? It is!
It's Gary's forum, and Peter's and mine, and Winston's, and Cheri's and Bob's and David's and Jack's and Heather's and Arthur's and John's and Mark's and Kim's and Amy's and Janise's ... and, and, and .... you get the picture. So far, there's 87 names I could add to that list, so I'm sorry if I missed yours. Know it's there, too.
Anyway, the point is that I wanted to make a couple of points.
1) It's your forum, too.
A lot of forums on the Internet are like little kingdoms for the forum owner. People are afraid to speak their mind for fear they will be ridiculed or get a verbal spanking for disagreeing. Not the case here.
I believe that there isn't a human being we can't learn something from. A perspective, or why they feel a certain way or an experience they've had. And to learn, we must be willing to let them speak freely.
Here, the only thing not tolerated is personal insults or attacks on a person. It's okay to say "I think autosurf is dumb" - it's not okay to say "I think (name) is dumb." But - tell us why you feel that way, too, so we also know why you have that perspective.
2) Your ideas for threads are welcome, too
For example, Cheri sent me an idea for a thread she'd like to see. It's an excellent idea, so I'll be starting that this weekend. If there's anything profit related that you'd like to discuss, let me know. Just hit reply and say "Hey, I'd love to see some info about (targeting/advertising/etc/etc/whatever) and we'll talk about it from the "how to profit" angle.
3) Last, but not least - thank you.
Every day I get messages from people telling me how much they've learned from reading the posts here. You're a part of that. Without you, it would just be me standing up on a proverbial soapbox preaching at the crowd - and how boring is that?!
Through the conversations we have here, even when we get silly or briefly off track - we are affecting people that read the threads. So thank you. I just wanted you to know your participation is very appreciated. And that I want you to consider this "your" forum, too. Which kind of brings us back around to the beginning.
So, go ahead. Hijack. Tell me what you'd like to know more about so you can make more profit.