Hi Anna Maria,
This is a very similar 'group' like the ones who say they will pay for you to join Empowerism so that they can grow their own downlines & earn more.
As Lisa pointed out, it is to do with the Stormclix program by StormPay, but it's nothing to do with StormPay itself, just a group of people trying to get you in their downline.
One other thing, Lisa, StormClix is paying me quite well weekly, as I'm NetIBA registered, I can access the high paying clicks & they earn you the better money.
I will state now, that StormClix will be around for a long time & costs nothing to earn you money.
It does involve manual surfing but if you have around 5 or 6 manual surf sites open at the same time, you can earn on all of them.
The paid auto-surfs are a gamble, like the randomisers, as long as people keep joining & re-upgrading, they will pay.
When the members pull their money out, the paid auto surfs will pull out too.
Don't get me wrong, I'm in the paid auto-surfs, but only untill I see the member numbers dropping, then I'm out.
Your securioty friend in Las Vegas.