Hi, Linda
I do Transcendental Meditation since I was 23. It was the most incredible adventure of my life... still is.
Since than I go to the wel everyday... sit down, close the eyes and simply adopt a procedure, a technic, very easy to use.
It's amazing how profondly rested and relaxed you can be after 20 minutes of practice.
The experience is of less and less noise in the mind, more and more refined thought, until you transcend even the most refined aspect of a thought and experience the actual source of all thoughts. The Self referrel consciousness, that is awere of its own totality, wherefrom all the thoughts continuously are created.
Total bliss is the nature of this transcendental consciousness; absotute peace and at the same sime, absolute potencial energy!
And when you come out of meditation, you have more creativeneness, more energy to perform everything you have to do... and you do it with more calm, in a relaxed way.
This is acting in accord with the wil of God, and that is the purpose of life: to live in total sinthony with Natural Law, the wil of God!
So this is a very beautiful theme, meditation. A word of our time, more and more needed if you want to better life on earth, and live life at it's maximum potential, as it is our birth wright.
Take care, Linda
and See you arround