Hello, everybody. I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot with that thread title. No, I'm not trying to recruit your friends into my bizopp. Well, I would, but that's not what the question is about.
I'm working on my website, www.Never2Late4Success.com, and I need some stories. Who do you know who has reinvented themselves, started seeking something more or something new, escaped from what they don't want to what they do want? I'm especially interested in (though not limited to) baby boomers and/or people who have consciously used the Law of Attraction to manifest their dreams.
Would you introduce me? I'd like to interview them for my Our Stories page. It may mean a little exposure for them if they are in business. If they are an expert in anything that might fit with my theme, I'd be happy to accept an article and bio with link from them.
If you'd like to be interviewed yourself, please get in touch! You may answer this thread, or message me privately.
I'd like lots of stories, so please keep me in mind when you hear of someone who might fit my theme.