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Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
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Re: Housecleaning
11/15/2005 9:25:08 AM
I let it build up til the tensions too much or I either start feeling guilty and start cleaning all in one day. Good forum Linda. Here are some helpful sites for adland members to look at for the baby boomers faced with having a healthly body or going to the doctor on a regular basis>>>> if you go to this site and visit I can work out a discount with you on your orders. If you dont want to fight the crowds go shopping at my mall store I would be honored if you would take the time to look around>>>>>> If you need to advertise anything business or personal from websites to garage sales>>> If you need a no hassle no fee credit card>>> Heres something every professional marketer needs to keep a home business going and thats a domain name so people can remember your website, not a bunch of random letters and numbers its ans simple as>>>
Douglas Grounds
Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
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Re: Housecleaning
11/15/2005 9:27:14 AM
I better try that again.
Douglas Grounds
Lisa Westberry

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Re: Housecleaning
11/15/2005 10:04:11 AM
very funny! Thanks Linda. Your Friend,
Re: Housecleaning
11/15/2005 12:06:45 PM
HeyLinda and all, Linda, thank you for this post,It is like trying to describe my personality and way of life. Idon't pull weeds in the garden because ...I am lazy and should avoid being exposed to the sun(no ("sunny holidays"for me!)Linda, that was great?, as almost every post of yours I already used that fraze before...I guess.Keep up good work!Everybody enjoy it.As you know. have a great day everybody, Peace and Love! AniaRogozik
Craftie Linda

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Re: Housecleaning
11/15/2005 12:17:26 PM
Thankyou For helping me do my house cleaning Linda

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