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Secret Launch - Important News!
11/13/2005 1:36:54 PM
Hello My Adlandian Friends. This is a very important post about Secret Launch. May be there are some of you who are not (yet) friends of Anthony. That is why I invite you to visit his Forum - Secret Launch a SCAM! Don't miss this info; don't let yourselfs to be ... it don't come to me the word right now, but its not very important now LOL With friendship
Re: Secret Launch - Important News!
11/13/2005 2:24:58 PM
Ana Maria, Thank you for getting this important information out to a wider audience. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch - Important News!
11/13/2005 2:30:02 PM
Anamaria, First I would like to congratulate you for being honest and admitting you made a bad judgement call. If you had asked me about the "Secret Launch" before you joined, I would have told you that it might not be the best program to join! Now, you, and your upline have placed your integrity on the line. If you are interested, I made a post at Anthony's forum!
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Secret Launch - Important News!
11/13/2005 4:11:29 PM
Thanks for letting me know. Referall number: 5147
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Re: Secret Launch - Important News!
11/13/2005 4:25:03 PM
Thank You Ana, For helping get the word out ;)

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