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Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
11/23/2005 8:31:10 PM
Hey Bob, I think Gary is trying to get his name at the top of the list on the community report; Most Active Community Members What do you think? :-)
Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
11/23/2005 8:50:19 PM
Jack, That may very well be true....Gary, any comment?
Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
11/23/2005 8:56:00 PM
LOL That is funny. I think he would be better put on the list of quality posts instead of quantity. He is most likely sleeping right now.
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
11/23/2005 9:16:35 PM
======================================== When promises do not meet reality... ======================================== ... you are most likely dealing with a human being. See, I know you think MLM is responsible for a lot of broken marriages and broken dreams and etc. I know a LOT of people think that. Know what I think? I think the achilles heel of many people is lack of accountability and a tendency to need to point the finger elsewhere. After all, what IS *MLM*? Multi Level Marketing. It is a sales payout structure. It is not *MLM* creating the problems. It's PEOPLE creating the problems. If a person spends more money than they should *in* a program.... or gets a little too friendly with someone else *in* a program... is it really the program? If they follow the advice of someone that is a little low on ethics, or has their own private agenda, is it *the program*? Or is it the choices the person is making? Gary, you have a book on your site called "Power of Choice." That's what it's about. Choices. We make them. We live the result of them. It's that simple. To think anything else - even for a minute - is passing the buck. Pointing the finger. Refusing to be accountable. And that's a choice, too. When we don't like the results we're getting, we need to look at the choices we're making, not pass the buck. Make better choices, get better results. It's that simple, too. ; ) Linda
Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
11/23/2005 9:45:28 PM
You are right Linda. People individually are responsible for their own actions. I believe there is a community spirit that goes along with every organization also. A spoon is just a spoon. People eat with them. I would rather mine clean when I eat. Communism is not bad. It is just the people. For that matter no organization is bad, just the people. My grandmother told me birds of a feather flock together. That statistics show that more marriages have troubles when part of MLMs. Sure the people decided to participate. Often because of the pressures of relatives just like you and your sister. Does that mean every person that is part of an MLM is bad? No! Does that mean that every MLM is going to cause marriage problems? No! There is the environment that must be considered for the MLM. As stated earlier by Gary do your due diligence.
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress