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Bogdan Fiedur

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You must avoid the investigation trap ....
2/28/2005 9:58:43 AM
"You must avoid the investigation trap you can’t postpone tough decisions by studying them to death." – Percy Barnevik, executive
Marie Gervacio

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Re: You must avoid the investigation trap ....
2/28/2005 10:16:34 AM
Oh yes, another good one! This is like the exact opposite of "you snooze - you lose" lol The bottom line is action - all the tools, research and motivation are nothing without it. Cheers, Marie
Marie Gervacio Your Personal Success Coach
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Nan Kietzke

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Re: You must avoid the investigation trap ....
2/28/2005 10:19:18 AM
I love that one Bogdan. And the other reason for not joining a business is just as silly. That is "I will wait and watch what you do and when you start making money, then I will join you." When someone is new in a business they have to show what their upline has done not what they are presently making. And how in the world does a person think that we will make enough money to show them if EVERYONE gave us the same answer? We are working the busiess by asking them to look at our business. At any rate, it doesn't prove what they might be capable of doing with their business. Why let someone hold you back? It is just an excuse. And also as you point out, it is better to learn as you earn. There will always be something new to learn and won't ever learn everything at once. I think everyone has to remember too, that circumstances won't change by themselves, they must change them. Nan
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Re: You must avoid the investigation trap ....
2/28/2005 12:08:29 PM
Good observation. I just told a friend to Investigate GMS. I realise that if he has to do this, he'll have to spend a good 3 to 6 months to realise its potential or just one hour to know without any doubt that this works. He has to choose though. GMS
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Thomas West

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Re: You must avoid the investigation trap ....
2/28/2005 12:47:17 PM
My team has a system for identifying personality types. The investigation trap is a problem for the 35% of the population that falls into the "Green" personality category. A green is a "paralysis by analysis" kind of person. They are the number counters of the world. They make list after list. They can analyze a company's policies and procedures and give you a bulleted list of things that are wroing with it. They will always get to the bottom of a problem. A green's weakness, however, is that they are always looking for why things won't work. If a task seems to be too risky to them, even if it won't be, they will prepare to do it and prepare to do it and find a way to keep preparing. Greens are those prospects you call on the phone that you think must hate you because you have to work to get them to say anything. If you try to "sell" them on something, they will drop you faster than a hot potato. Your email will be deleted and you will be on their "no calls" list. And that's 35% of the modern population. Greens, however, make a strong contibution to every network marketing team that they are a part of because of their strengths they possess - analysis and thoroughness. For more on the colors system of personalities, visit this website: Make it a great day,

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