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Re: Jeffrey OBrien
11/11/2005 12:25:52 PM
Sorry to hear of his misfortune, I can relate to what he is going through. Several years ago I had a chemical batch tank blow a circulation pipe at the circut board plant I worked at, needless to say I was walking bye when it blew and ended up with a Cyanide mixture used for Gold plating in both eyes even though I was wearing saftey glasses. I was blind for 2 weeks and then by the grace of God my vision slowly returned, it was a very humbling time in my life because it showed me just how much I needed others to assist me in things I had taken for granted prior to this happening. You don't realize how much someone cares about you until your 2 year old son takes your finger and say to you "Come with me Daddy, I'll make sure you don't hit anything". I hope that he is blessed in this same way, it's a scarey thing to loose your vision, I just pray that he never loses sight because that is indeed a tradgedy. Scott Miller WizeChoiceMarketing
Leon Horton

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Re: Jeffrey OBrien
11/11/2005 12:41:39 PM
Linda, Thanks for forwarding Steven's note. It is amazing how he was able to regain his sight and now has had it partially taken back. I pray for his full recovery and to receive the full use of the injured eye. Peace to you and yours, Leon
Re: Jeffrey OBrien
11/11/2005 12:59:40 PM
Hi Linda, That was an incredible story, I’m glad to here Jeffrey is fine and doing well, I will pray for him. Again thanks for keeping us abreast of the situation. Best Regards,
Gary Anderson
Re: Jeffrey OBrien
11/11/2005 1:01:05 PM
Hi Steven, Linda, and Jeffrey, What an awful accident. I hear from Donna that Jeffrey has had previous troubles with his eyes. I am sorry to hear it. I am grateful to hear that he will be fine after he heals. Send him my best wishes for his quick recovery and healing up. I have prayed for him and will continue with all our adland friends. In our prayers, with so many that are in need, let us remember to be grateful for those of us that are at peace, not hurting. I hope there are no more anytime soon. Blessings,
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Re: Jeffrey OBrien
11/11/2005 1:20:03 PM
Hello Linda, My thoughts and prays go out Jeffery, for a speedy recovery. Ashley