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Linda Miller

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Release The Past
11/7/2005 11:16:23 PM
This article is from one of my favorite authors. I hope you enjoy it too... RELEASE THE PAST Do the names of Burke and Hare mean anything to you? They were once famous, or should I say, notorious characters. These two men discovered that there was a very good business to be had in digging up recently interred bodies and selling them to medical schools. This was back many years ago, around 1827. A terrible thing, of course, but ask yourself, are you perhaps a grave robber yourself? I don’t mean to shock you, or to be disrespectful, but many of us are grave robbers without knowing it. You see, every time you dig up an old grievance or an old mistake by rehearsing it over and over in your mind, or worse still, by talking to somebody else about it, you simply are ripping open a grave, and you know right well what you expect to find, don’t you. Live in the present, resolve your present problems, prepare intellectually for the future, but let the past ALONE. Just leave it. This is what the Great Teacher meant when He said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” To think about the past and to live in the past is death. Every time you do so you strengthen a little bit more of your belief in Time and in Time’s limitations. You make yourself older, weaker and you bring on your own senility. God says, “Now is the day of salvation, behold I make all things new!” – and God knows best. Make it a rule for yourself that you are not going to mentally embrace any negative thing that has happened to you up to this very minute, and keep that rule. Life is much too precious to go grave robbing. The past is the past; it’s gone release it. This is the greatest secret of handling all our grievances, all our blunders, all our disappointments, and all our failures – release them. You do this simply by writing them off in your mind, cleaning the slate of your mind and refusing to think of them as having any present existence. You see, the only existence that they can have is in your mind. The present is full of wonder and interest, and therefore, is such a glorious place for all of us that it is just plain foolish to waste our spirit and our substance on things that are dead. Leave the past. Release it. Set it free. Don’t go robbing the grave, overturning bones of dead mistakes, failures and past events. This is a new day. Rejoice and be glad in it. Leave the past in the past. You are made for this day. This is the HAPPIEST DAY, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DAY, THE HEALHIEST DAY OF YOU LIFE. Know this for a Truth – if you release the past! ________ From 50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life by Dr. Robert Anthony
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Release The Past
11/7/2005 11:44:50 PM
Thank you Linda for your great forum. I like it .. "Make it a rule for yourself that you are not going to mentally embrace any negative thing that has happened to you up to this very minute, and keep that rule"
Eileen H

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Re: Release The Past
11/8/2005 8:33:06 AM
Linda, Your forums are remarkable :)
Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: Release The Past
11/8/2005 8:35:43 AM
I like that affirmation, Hans. It is really important that we begin to recognize when we have negative thoughts and vibrations... and change our thoughts. Thank you for the inspiration.
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: Release The Past
11/8/2005 8:36:13 AM
Thank you Eileen. I am so glad you're here! In gratitude,
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina