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Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/8/2005 7:15:49 AM
Great Information Anthony! You are absolutley correct. Better safe than sorry. :)
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Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/8/2005 8:41:18 AM
Anthony, These are excellent tips! I believe in home protection devices. Thank you for these awesome offers. Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/9/2005 1:55:55 PM
Hi Leanne. As if I could forget a dog.... We have a trained Shepard/Doberman/aligator mix (you should see the teeth on him! Just joking about the Aligator bit...) He is our first line of security at home, if he sounds off, then we can switch on the cameras & record whatever is happening outside at night. Daytime I just look out the window. (High-tech or what??). However, when you are out (Unless taking said hound for a walk) I still prefer to have some sort of 'Personal protection' on either or both of us. Don't forget, we are professional's in security, not to mention the fact that Pam's 5'11" & I'm 6'5". We are constantly monitoring our personal 'space' when out & are more prepared than most to react to anything untoward. Which also, by the way gives us a more confindant 'image' & one of not being a likely 'victim' This does tend to deter the likelihood of attacks being tried on us, that & the fact that we do have stun-guns & pepper spray, as well as a concealed weapon on us seems to project an unseen warning to anyone who is contemplating us as likely victims. How you project yourself when you are away from your home enviroment is important. If you look like a target, you will become one. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/9/2005 1:59:04 PM
Lisa, my 'Kiwi' friend. How are things in the Land of the Long White Cloud? Thank you for your comments & it is so true, any information concerning how to keep yourself safer is crucial. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/9/2005 2:00:35 PM
Eileen. My dear Security friend. Yes, being better safe than sorry is something we definately practise daily. Your securty friend in Las Vegas.

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