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Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/7/2005 2:19:27 PM
Hello everyone. Todays tips are for all, but the products I'm afraid can only be purchased by Americans. International Law prohibts us from retailing to anyone outside of the USA. These dark Autumn/winter evenings are a prime time for the predator criminal to pick & choose his victims, with more chance of being successful. Do not park in dark areas, lonely back streets, or behind buildings away from the crowds. These type of places are the criminal attackers favourite hunting grounds. If there is no other choice, & you cannot or will not pay for safe, security controlled parking areas. Be extra vigilant of you surroundings & if there is anyone suspicious nearby, do not return to your vehicle. For Americans, you can carry extra security with you when you are out in these short daylight days. Stun Guns, the non-violent security protection device of choice. The varity of sizes, styles & power available today is increasing & the knockdown power to stun an attacker is vastly superior to the old type. Pepper & mace sprays. sizes range from keyring canisters to huge cans for keeping rampaging grizzlys away, so they will definately stop the average attacker or two. Personal security alarms systems. Ideal for alerting other people of an impending attack about to happen to you. Flashlights, which not only light the way for you to get safely back to your vehicle or home, but also double up as stun-guns & alarm systems are another valuable tool in your personal security & protection. Cell phones, we all carry them, what greater suprise to an attacker is one thats really a stun-gun. Jewelery, men & women all seem to wear at least one ring, what if that ring, had a "Stunning" suprise. You only need to disable an attacker for 5-10 seconds to make good your escape. Now stun-guns come in a variety of styles & makes, Large & Powerful then you have the medium size & power & for the ladies & men with smaller hands, you have the Mini these may be small in size, but they still pack a big punch. Probably the most famous & most thought of spray products for everyones protection & carried by most police & security forces is the Mace brand of sprays. Designed to be easily concealed, these famous sprays carry a powerful formula to really disable anyone intent on doing you harm. The ultimate protection to carry on you to defend yourself from injury, rape or worse, is without doubt the non-violent weapon all criminals are terrified to come up against. Used by police forces in every state & around the world, the Air tasers is The most powerful deterent to disuade someone from attempting to commit a crime on innocent citizens. It looks like a firearm, but has the power to knock a charging bull to it's knee's (as tested by Henderson, Nevada's police force) These non-violent weapons are not cheap, if you find cheap ones, then they are badly made copies & will do the owner more damage than the attacker. However, what price can you put on your family's & your own safety? Talking of family safety, the Electronic child safety alarm is another high-tech product that gives you hightened protection to ensure your young ones do not wander away or get abducted. You can set the distance from 6'-30' to ensure your children are not lost to you, whilst out with them on these winter day trips to the mall. Now that you have safely arrived home & you are enjoying a family evening together. Your protection & safety can still be assured by our Home Protection Products. For even more added security for your home, outdoor & indoor Surveillance systems are an increasingly popular product for familys to get the feeling of extra protection. Of course, if you are lucky enough to live in a State where the Second Amendment rights are still available to you. Then you will be adequately protected by the firearm that you can carry on your person when away from your home & the weapons that are in your home when you are safely indoors. We have this added luxury in Nevada, but still have the non-violent weapons on hand for protection, the use of deadly force is always the last resort & not the first. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Beverly Armstrong

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Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/7/2005 2:24:19 PM
WOW Anthony this is alot to take in, I am copying and pasting to read at length later, thank you! :)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Angela Cardwell

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Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/7/2005 2:27:33 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the great tips. As well as the links to your outstanding products. Security for home and family is very important. I thank god everyday that I do not live in the city. People around here don't even lock their cars or houses. LOL! I will be to purchase something for my daughter in the near future as she is beginning to venture away from the house. Good luck to you, Angela
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Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/7/2005 2:50:18 PM
Beverly. My dear friend, I hope I have not overburdened your already extremly busy day's Better to be safe than sorry we always say. I know what your thoughts are on personal security, which are strangely very similar to ours. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Now the nights are drawing in. Tips on personal security
11/7/2005 2:53:06 PM
Angela. How are you today? Yes, living in the country does have it's 'perk's' but even there you have to be vigilant. Certainly get your daughter something for her protection, it will make her more secure & give you piece of mind when she is not in the protection of your home. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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