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Vi Shahan

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Averting Conflict
11/6/2005 10:42:55 PM
Dealing With Difficult People We encounter a wide variety of people throughout our lives. Many of them touch us in some positive way. Occasionally, however, we encounter those individuals who, for whatever reason, can be difficult to deal with. Perhaps this person is a colleague or close friend that you feel is deliberately being obtuse, inviting in trouble, or doing foolish things that you find annoying. Sometimes, it may be possible to appease or avoid those people short term. Dealing with them in the long term, however, can be exhausting. The behavior of difficult people can even make you feel like losing your temper, but keep your cool. Staying calm is the first step, especially when you are ready to confront them. Avoiding a difficult person can improve impossible and not in your best interest, especially if you live or work together. Likewise, attempts to steer clear of them can become a source of stress and anxiety when they are a part of your social circle. When this is the case, it is best to kindly address the problem. Try not to let their actions or mood affect you. You also may want to try expressing your feelings directly. Tell the person how their actions make you feel, and encourage them toward a more positive course of action. Speak assertively, but respectfully, and don't portray yourself as a victim. Another approach for dealing with a difficult individual is to gain a deeper understanding of who that person is. Ask them why they do or say certain things. If you disagree with their motives, question them further so you can try and discover the root of their behavior. In doing so, you may be able to gently shift their perceptions, or at least help them understand your point of view. You may want to think about what you want to say to a difficult person before you actually talk to them. If you can, avoid being judgmental or defensive, and try to approach the conversation objectively. If the person is open to the idea, try coming to an agreement. If approaching them fails, let it go and move on. There is no reason to let a difficult person or situation have power over your state of being. Remember that a lot can be accomplished when you take the time to listen and offer up alternative perspectives. What do you think?
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Re: Averting Conflict
11/6/2005 10:57:34 PM
Hello Vi, thank you for the invite and you are so right about handling differcult people; those words are very wise and need to apply to all. Have a excellent week. Bye-Sandi All orders $30.00 to $500.00 FREE shipping and handling. Need another website, domain name, email, or income?
Re: Averting Conflict
11/6/2005 11:44:43 PM
Hello thanks for the invite , you are right there should be a middle to meet with thoses type people. Most of the time you just can't lower your standards to their level. They are the one with thew problem and we have to just try to tolarate their bs and move on. Lifes to short to get caught up in that type of people.
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Re: Averting Conflict
11/7/2005 5:47:18 AM
Thanks Vi, This is all worth reading and re-reading and thinking over seriously. Margaret
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Averting Conflict
11/7/2005 8:38:35 AM
Hi Vi, Thanks for your excellent post about dealing with difficult people. This info should help us all as the need arises. Have a great day, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"