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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/6/2005
11/6/2005 12:49:34 AM
Top 10 Funny Store Signs 1.Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary, we hear you coming." 2.Outside a hotel: "Help! We need inn-experienced people." 3.On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman , and the 2nd one just left." 4.In a veterinarians waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes, Sit ! Stay!" 5.At the electric company: "We would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don't you will be." 6.On the door of a computer store: "Out for a quick byte." 7.In a restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up." 8.Inside a bowling alley: "Please be quiet, we need to hear a pin drop." 9.In the front yard of a funeral home: "Drive carefully, we'll wait." 10.In a counselors office: "Growing old is mandatory, growing wise is optional. Thank you Gisela Santibañez 3 Easy Steps To Make Money Online Launch Your Very Own Money Making Website Today That's 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive Residual Profits For You Right Now...Guaranteed! Visit:
Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/6/2005
11/6/2005 1:37:16 AM
Hi Marion! I hope you had a nice retreat. This Sunday smile's story is rather funny and I wonder if this happens in real life? Thanks for sharing and making us smile. God Bless you. As always, Sunny Be a Humanitarian Entrepreneur and help feed the hungry children
Your Friend and Networking Partner Sunny Lim
Flag of Christine Gleeson

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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/6/2005
11/6/2005 2:29:10 AM
Hello Marion, A great tale. It brought a smile to my face. I will pass this on to my son who lives in Western Australia. I am sure he will enjoy it. Sincerely, Christine Gleeson Sydney, Australia
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/6/2005
11/6/2005 3:43:06 AM
Marion Thanks for the invite For your donkey story Linda
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/6/2005
11/6/2005 4:44:43 AM
Thank you Marion for invite. Thanks for your Sunday Smile. Have a nice day, My friend, Sarka

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