I think what Chris posted is a true fact in the sense that we are not promised a tommorow.
In the parable of the Rich Man where he said the would build more barns to store his wealth, there was a statement made that went "Thou Fool, your life shall be reqired of you this night" (Kinney's paraphrase.
The point is we should live our life second by second and enjoy the blessing of being alive!
This is coming from an old man that was not susposed to live past 6 months of age, has had an out of body experience, come close to death several times, has been blind 3 times in his life, and is still savoring the blessings of serving the Lord.
By the way, my blindness was due to 1 time having my eyes burnt by a carbide explosion,
(my stupidity as a child), twice by carbon lights burning my eye balls.