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Re: Kathy Martins Forum
10/31/2005 5:45:19 AM
For someone who gives us a bit of humor each day, you have my vote Linda! Mary Beth Proven Income earner Marketing Pond Advertise all those sites you joined for free Free is Good!
Re: Kathy Martins Forum
10/31/2005 10:01:59 AM
Hi Hey you get my vote. I am in all the way. here for your success, Greg Hastings International Marketing Director 623.298.7938
For every Adversity there is A Seed of Greater Benefit
Re: Kathy Martins Forum
10/31/2005 10:22:47 AM
Hi Linda. Thank you for invite me! Go girl. Please feel free to visit the rest of the web site. Visit us:
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Re: Kathy Martins Forum
10/31/2005 2:56:59 PM
Steve... I am sorry if you took what I said the wrong way. Linda is a awesome lady to me and she is on my Friends Team here and I feel she should be on the top of ADLANDPRO for her week in the spot light, but sometimes it takes time, so we all must wait. Doing good I ment is to help others and give GOD the glory and not our-selfs. I am now new here nor am I a young kid either. Kathy is a dear special friend to me and she has put me in the spot light as she has done the same to Linda who is a dear friend, too. Anti-God??? NO WAY!! Anti-Adlandpro...NO WAY!! God bless you Steve and the rest of my friends here, Doc..Romans 8:28><>
Marih A.

13 Posts
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Re: Kathy Martins Forum
11/1/2005 12:30:55 AM
Hi! Linda thank you for your invitation. M.A.

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