For many of us, we have created our own version of truth based on the way we were brought up. I have recently realized that an old anxiom my father gave me was holding me back. The addage was:
"Strength to change the things I can, Intelligence to know the things I can not change, and the Wisdom to know the difference."
This attitude is one of the reasons I have been trapped in a salaried job for so long, even though my primary career is something I love to do. Recently, my eyes have been opened to a new attitude:
"You have to BELIEVE it to SEE it!" (not see it to believe it).
With the right training and this vision, I am dramatically changing my own life and the lives of people who choose to let me coach them to success.
Right thinking, wrong thinking, not thinking. What you think and how you think determine what the universe brings to you.
To your success,