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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: POLAND 1980-1981
10/30/2005 4:06:26 PM
Hello my friends, Thank you for sharing in this with me,I want to tell some stories Of the corruption and very bad people in some of these countries.In Romania Where I came from it is a place you can pay debts how ever you want,Even though it may be against the law people sell there children to pay debts off,They are taken to america by sponsers and treated very badly,We are taught to be subserviant to men that are picked out for us,Anyways Ill be talking more on this topic soon. Christine,Do you have any music you can send me to my email? Thanks,kathy martin
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Manuel Davis

261 Posts
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Re: POLAND 1980-1981
11/3/2005 4:15:37 PM
Kathy, I like the topic, and will print each one so that I willm have reading material for bed time LOL... Hope that you have a wonderful weekend as it is approaching quickly, Respectfully, Manuel D.
Manuel Davis

261 Posts
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Re: POLAND 1980-1981
11/3/2005 6:01:56 PM
Hello Kathy, I once had a friend whom lived in Poland she is the director of a General Motors business group...Perhaps I will get the two of you in touch with each other? She is fluent in Polish even though she lives and works in California. Anyway, I like the topic I have always been a history buff and find the Ukraine a very good subject and can't wait to get started printing the information so that I will have something to read before bed. As always you facinate me, I don't know where you get all the energy. Respectfully, Manuel D.