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Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: Why I Left MonaVie
3/23/2006 10:26:08 PM
Every one of these particular juices have good properties, but NONE equal what we have in Vibe 101 from Eniva Corp. I know how hard it is to even think about jumping ship when you lay out such a commitment, but sometimes we need to offer our customers the BEST of the BEST. Everything else is just juice... This ALL IN ONE HEALTH SUPPLEMENT DRINK is unlike any juice you have ever seen, but I can't twist you arm to look at it. I do know this...If you look at this with an open mind, you will join me in my crusade to help people truly get Maximum health with a full compliment of nutrients with an Awesome delivery system!!! Those who are willing to take the time, here is 3 sites for review: The rest is up to you...Thanks! Tom :o)
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Re: Why I Left MonaVie
6/24/2006 12:27:57 AM
Hi Steve, My names Robert. The wife and I are still with Mona-Vie - have been for only a short while. I have tried other companies that work on the same lines where you must develop a downline to earn any money. I told myself I would never ever try such as this again but when Mona-Vie came along it sounded to good to be true. I didn't know of the company that you are now with at the time I join Mona-Vie but after looking at their site I must say from what I see it's run pretty much the same way as Mona-Vie. Even to their prices are the same. Just so I will understand better please explain to me what makes the new company you're with any better than Mona-Vie? Who know in time I to may jump ship and follow in your foot steps but I must first give Mona-Vie my all. Robert & Patti Miller
Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Fruit Juices or a Complete Health Regimen-Your choice, I made mine!!!
6/26/2006 9:57:26 AM
Simply compare this to ANY other juice product out there, try it, and then you will know what I know...It doesn't matter what juice it is, none of them are a complete health regimen like ours is....... Even if you don't market this, is health important to you and your family? ***Wait until you see the special we have in June below*** ***Also, I understand that most everyone here has a primary program that they are focused on, simply use this product to help you be more productive everyday, you DON'T have to promote it! 1] How many people do you know around you who are dealing with a variety of health issues? 2] Do they go to the doctor, look for a solution, then have a prescription filled, come home and dream of getting better? 3] Next Step: They find that the drug they are taking causes a number of side effects, so they call the doctor, he prescribes another drug that should help to combat the side effects of the 1st drug prescribed! Ah ha!!! Alas, we now have more side effects!!! 4] Let's take a look at a scenario with seniors for example. I personally have visited with many seniors who are on "Several Drugs" and actually feel worse than they first did when they went in to solve their original problem!!! 5] What's wrong with the above picture? We have to understand that drugs ONLY TREAT symptoms or simply MASK THE PROBLEM, correct? 6] Then we sit around and wonder why our health care costs are so high...hmm, seem to hit home yet? The shame is that the majority of MD's in the USA and many other countries want us to stay sick so they can keep up coming back for more office visits and more drugs they can prescribe to get their kickbacks!!! Sad, but true!!! 7] Did you know that drug sales reps are paid big time incentives to get doctors to prescribe their drugs? Then they offer the doctors huge incentives to promote their brand too!!! 8] How can we escape this dilemma????? *****There are ONLY 2 solutions to this ongoing problem***** 1] Change the way doctors treat people to look at natural health and prevention as a means to help the body regenerate and heal itself!!! Have them treat the cause instead of the symptoms!!! In order for this to happen, we have a long way to go to get them reprogrammed so don't expect this to occur for several years and then some!!! 2] Take charge ourselves for our own health and take a supplement that is a Complete Health Regimen in ONE product called Vibe 101 from Eniva Corporation!!! If you pass on this, all I can say is pray a lot, keep the faith and good luck!!! Just look around you at your family and friends and how they feel daily! Decide if you want to make a change for the better or simply stay the same! *****Does it really work? You decide by listening below!!!***** Here is another site with different written testimonials: Ok, how about 3 websites for review? Vibe 101 Science and all questions answered Look at the products *****JUNE ENIVA SPECIAL FOR THOSE WHO ORDER THE BOTTLE AND A BOX ON SMART ORDER***** ***JUNE SPECIAL-ORDER THE BOTLLE AND A BOX" ON SMART ORDER BY CALLING 1-866-999-9191, PRESS 6, USE MY ID # 144770 AS YOUR ENROLLER AND PLACEMENT PERSON, GET FREE: 25-1 OUNCE SAMPLES VALUED AT $65.00 PLUS THE BOTTLE AND EXTRA BOX TOO!!! TOTAL COST SHIPPED 2 DAY AIR IS $112.00!!!!!! Questions? Feel free to email me here or call me anytime between 10am-10pm EST at 248-624-0942 or my cell at 248-705-9716. Direct Email: Our theme: "Bringing Wellness To The World" Tom Sparrow
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Re: Why I Left MonaVie
8/15/2007 8:35:53 PM

I like to think of what happened to you at Monavie the same as what happened to my 13 year old son.  He became extremely discouraged at baseball because he hadn't been introduced to it until he was older.  All the other kids on the team had been playing at a young age.  Naturally they could hit the ball when then went up to bat better than my son.  It seemed that he was never getting anywhere.  He whined and complained that he never was a coach's favorite like the other kids.  I too had begun to think it was hopeless that he could get anywhere at the same park with the same coaches whose son's were always the favorites.  One day my husband said to him "Do you want to fight back and win this game of favoritism".  My son said "YES, but how".  My husband told him "Get Good!".  Instead of being discouraged at what seemed unfair the way to win was to practice and become so good the coach couldn't help but make you a favorite.

The same is true in mlm.  It really doesn't matter who is making the money, how long they have been in it and trotting all their old mlm junkies along, how much they can spend on advertising.  The only way to win at this awesome game is to find a better way and do it.  The average guy really doesn't have a chance unless they think outside the box.  Every single company out there has it's favorites so - get better at the game!  Everyone is at the top of their own creation of a downline.  Everyone has the same opportunity to make a lot of money.  I call it the 8th Wonder of the World.  Where else can an uneducated person become a millionaire?  If you find a better way and stay focused you can do it.  I'm sorry you are running from what you call scam companies like Monavie that really does have a great product.  Go back to what you built (they will take you back) and just do it.  Even corporate America has favorites!  Beat them at their own game.  Show them it can be done.  Do we want to recruit - Absolutely.  We want to help people make money!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul Dow

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Re: Why I Left MonaVie
9/13/2007 1:54:51 PM
 Hi Steve,

I wanted to talk to you further about your experience.  I have some friends in Mona Vie and I have tried talking to them about it and they don't seem to listen.  I can use some help.  Thanks Paul.


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