Thanks for the excellent posts on blogs and blogging. Blogs are definately limitless in there potential uses.
I like the comments feature of blogs and the way that it allows me to share content with other webmasters. I guess that's really what sets blogs apart from the old-skool content management systems.
I never really liked email newsletters much, so rss has been a real blessing for me. I can provide subscribers with news and discounts if they are interested and not intrude on their privacy and email inbox if they are not.
I set up one of my web sites to be built much like a blog. I love it because I can write articles and receive articles from other webmasters quickly. Together, our content is then able to be syndicated throughout the web. It's really amazing how fast your name will appear online after syndicating just one article!
Scot had some great points about the splog phenomonem as well. I hate to say this, but sometimes affiliate marketers sort of crud up the internet! LOL
Here's an example script that I setup that is borderline splog. In all honesty, I would recommend the script though because the web spider is just an added feature and not the only feature. You can publish your own content with it as well.
Borderline Splog Example:
-- don't worry, it's not being spidered by search engines :)