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Monika Woods

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Re: Billy Connolly's Chain Letter
10/23/2005 2:09:57 PM
Actually there are some letters that are out there that have helped. Whenever I receive anything, I verify it first. Of course if it states something about "you will have bad luck... you won't have a boyfriend... Microsoft will pay you (HAH - NOW that's FUNNY!), then I immediately delete it, but there are some things that have helped. 1 was a missing child, but it only took a couple of days - another was the info about Target kicking the Salvation Army out. When I find a good one that has prayers for our troops etc, I just delete all the stuff about forward to 5 people etc. just my 2 cents... and yes, in the future, when using the language, it would be a good idea to note "Strong Language" or something to that affect. I personally don't think it is neccessary, but thats my own opinion for my family and myself.
Monika M Woods Image Consultant GBG Take your vitamins and earn income too EARN $$$ Buying Gold at private parties - Extremely limited IC poisitions open
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Billy Connolly's Chain Letter
10/23/2005 2:10:36 PM
Nice response to those. I do not get to many of those but my son does and his mad crasy with them :-) Maybe I'll send him this one LOL Have a nice day... or night?! :-D
Bill Dugan

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Re: Billy Connolly's Chain Letter
10/23/2005 2:25:02 PM
Hail to the Craftie ONE, (may the farce be wid u) Now that was great - Intelligent Humor with a bite (my a**) bit of language - I loved it. I was also amused at the folk that were offended. Meaning no disrepect to anyone who was offended by the "foul" language - you have every right to be offended, and I have every right to laugh at you for being offended. Again, please don't be offended by me laughing at your sense of offense (I have a twisted sense of humor, and have been known to curse like a sailor on occasion myself). Thanks for the invite - AND Keep Those Funnies A'Comin' Bill Dugan
Re: Billy Connolly's Chain Letter
10/23/2005 2:28:27 PM
Hi Linda This is absolutely hilarious, including the "bad" words whic hseem to be bothering so many. Hey, puritans, get over yourselves. It's a joke, and a way to vent some ofthe frustration at being the victims of so much drivel in the old inbox. Two thumbs up, Linda, and a couple of big toes, for emphasis. Can't please everyone all the time, but keep on keeping on my friend. Your humor makes many a day around here, mine included. Linda
Re: Billy Connolly's Chain Letter
10/23/2005 2:49:50 PM
Linda. Loved it. I should think that knowing Billy Connolly, that would be the reply that he would send to a chain email. Being a Brit who lives far away, I miss seeing Billy on the TV. American TV (apart from HBO which shows all the crude comedians in America) would not have Billy on, but I digress there a bit, he was on one of the outdoor channels, fishing in the Caribbean, but the 'bleep' was on a lot. As the piece you posted was, more than likely a part of his act,& not something you made up (?). It just goes to show that he will not change the way he has always been, since he first started in comedy. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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