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Bill Dugan

91 Posts
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Re: Indiana Jones
10/16/2005 9:10:40 AM
You Craftie Gal, You I see lots of folk put the following in their posts - lol. I wonder if they really are laughing out loud or if it's just something to put in the post. Well, this one REALLY did get me to laugh out loud. Maybe it's because I've the kind of mind that visualizes, and I get this mental image of the blonde singing the song to herself as she counts on her fingers and then on the calculator. I'd hire her - she's certainly an "out of the box" thinker. Thanks Linda Bill Dugan
Re: Indiana Jones
10/16/2005 9:11:27 AM
Hi Linda That is a groaner! The saddest part about it, I live with a blonde joke, LOL and this is just the kind of thing I have come to expect. Linda
Re: Indiana Jones
10/16/2005 9:28:15 AM
Linda, thanks for the early Sunday laugh. This is a new one, mind if I share?
Re: Indiana Jones
10/16/2005 9:55:21 AM
thats a good one glad my blonde hair from a
Deborah Storm
Gene Tinney

468 Posts
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Re: Indiana Jones
10/16/2005 11:01:10 AM
hi Dutch that's a newy but a goodie.thank you Gene