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Flag of Donna Lira

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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/9/2005 5:51:44 PM
Thanks Anthony, Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
Re: Something to make you smile!
10/9/2005 6:04:37 PM
Hi Anthony, Being a brunette who has always "lost out" to blondes, in some competitions for prizes of the male variety,(and frequently not owrth competing for in the ifrst place) I get a certain satisfaction from blonde jokes, one which borders on just slightly vindictive. This one in particular really made me chuckle, as I would wish it on some of the blondes I have known and "loved" in the past. HeHeHe. (add evil tone to laugh, LOL) Thanks for sharing, and to all my blonde friends, I have grown past the good old days, and see past your golden locks to your wonderful hearts. Linda
Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/9/2005 6:22:22 PM
Thank you for the Forum Anthony. Very big Smiles too you. Keep up the great work my friend. Big Heart Sings with Nature.
Re: Something to make you smile!
10/9/2005 6:27:23 PM
Thanks Anthony for the giggle, cute joke. Yeah, They should've looked me up for some awesome multipurpose cleansing agent, bio-degradable environmentally safe at the: BizymommieStoreOnline one cap full makes a quart, see the savings in that.;) Luann Irwin
Flag of Angela Cardwell

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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/9/2005 7:15:14 PM
Hi Anthony, That's a good one! I have one that top's it. Another from the "construction" field. Promise it's safe. I uploaded it to show everyone but I don't know if it's copy protected so don't put it online! Save to computer and unzip and enjoy! Enjoy, Angela
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