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Re: A trojan Horse warning from Steve Jaques.
10/1/2005 5:02:36 PM
Thanks Anthony for care, but I never gets tired, drinking a lot of Aloe Vera and fresh water - gives my a lot....
Re: A trojan Horse warning from Steve Jaques.
10/1/2005 5:02:36 PM
Thanks Anthony for care, but I never gets tired, drinking a lot of Aloe Vera and fresh water - gives my a lot....
Donna Grimes

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A trojan Horse warning from Steve Jaques.
10/1/2005 5:06:46 PM
Thank~you Anthony. Appreciate that. Wishing you the Best, Donna
Re: A trojan Horse warning from Steve Jaques.
10/1/2005 5:27:36 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you very much for the info on the trojan horse. As it turns out I had that trojan horse on my computer just last week. My virus protection program did put in the Virus Vault, and from there I deleted it after much questions to my computer repairer. I have never had anything prior to this. But thanks for the info. We all need to keep an eye on all these things that can ruin our computers and thereby our businesses. Thanks again.
Darlene Maynard
Lee Talmadge

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Re: A trojan Horse warning from Steve Jaques.
10/1/2005 5:38:25 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the reminder I just came from Steve's forum always good to know whats going around and keep us alert,Have a Great weekend Lee