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Re: An extremly good security warning from a new ALP member.
10/1/2005 1:49:29 PM
Harold, Good man. Nope it was not my horse, thats to far to ride from our humble little home (Well, in one go)guess someone else is saving on gas too!
Re: An extremly good security warning from a new ALP member.
10/1/2005 1:51:23 PM
Lee Lu, A pleasure to see you, as always, Thanks for inviting Suzanne to your good friends list.
Re: Thanks for the introduction to the forum!
10/1/2005 1:53:53 PM
Suzanne, Just glad that someone recommend Adlandpro to you. Yourself & Scott, are the type of members our community looks forward to meeting. I agree with you about the great group of people here, we are not to bad at all!!!!!

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