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Jerome Pfeifer

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It's Always good to Research The Company!
10/30/2004 7:35:17 AM
Hi Serg, It's always good to research the company before you join it. I got burned by a few not knowing what I was doing. But I learned fast. There are some real good ones out there, I have a few that I have been with since I started. You have to take your time and Learn first and the money will follow. I fell for the hype from some of the so called best of the Net Programs and spent money I should not have. The Key to doing anything is Knowledge, and knowing what Law governs what it is you are doing just like the Law of Nature or Electricity, both can have an adverse affect. Before I borst on the programs I am presently working with I have to see the big picture, I don't like sending out those pre-written letters without having seen the fruits of the thing. Regards; Jerome
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Harvey Akeson

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Re: It's Always good to Research The Company!
10/30/2004 9:35:14 AM
Jerome, you hit the nail right where it can be driven the most....research. You know I have found amazing tips and information, just typing the person's name in a couple of search engines. You can learn alot about the individual when the company doesn't even appear. Harvey, Tucson
Harvey Akeson, Tucson, Arizona
Sergey Lyangasov

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Re: It's Always good to Research The Company!
11/1/2004 5:29:12 PM
I am sure in since I know the vice-president Duane Wilson and his spouse Roberta. They came in the beginning of October to Odessa (Ukraine) on meeting with the rectors of high schools. I too accepted in this measure participation. Sergey
Mueni Kivuvani

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Re: It's Always good to Research The Company!
2/2/2005 6:13:52 PM
I agree that one should always do research on a company before they invest their mone. I also believe that you shold not put all your eggs in one basket. Have you done any research on the the company? If not, you may want to go Regards, Mueni.
Sincerely, Mueni Kivuvani Looking for a place to network? Please join us at
Re: It's Always good to Research The Company!
2/19/2005 12:53:37 AM
Hi! I am a member of one MLM or you can call network marketing. Before I join with this company, I had done some researched on the internet whether the company is realiable or not. I also checked how long have the company doing business. Tips: Also checked if there is any marketing gurus join in the business :) Yochention Helping People to Achieve Financial Freedom

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