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I Have A Poem For You Today!
9/26/2005 4:52:07 AM
Hello All My AdlandPro Friends And Family, Treasures In Life There are treasures in life, But owners are few Of money and power To buy things brand new. Yet you can be wealthy And feel regal too, If you will just look For the treasures in you. These treasures in life Are not hard to find When you look in your heart, Your soul, and your mind. For when you are willing To share what's within, Your fervent search For riches will end. The joy and the laughter, The smile that you bring; The heart unafraid To love and to sing; The hand always willing To help those in need; Ones quick to reach out, To labor in true friendship. So thank you for sharing These great gifts inside; The caring, the cheering, The hug when one cried. Thanks for the energy, Encouragement too, And thank you for sharing The treasures in you. Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: I Have A Poem For You Today!
9/26/2005 5:33:56 AM
Marilyn What a treasure you are for sharing your lovely poem. Thanks Linda
Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: I Have A Poem For You Today!
9/26/2005 7:12:53 AM
Hello Marilyn, Very nice, and true. Your Brother, Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
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Re: I Have A Poem For You Today!
9/26/2005 7:27:00 AM
Very Nice Marilyn, May I add one of my own: A Song With No Music By Blind Melon Ugly Dude I'd like to say - we can all live together Our differences noted Not causing a fall I'd like to think - we can be what we must be Yet know that our own way is not right for all I'd like to work for a better tomorrow By doing the right thing Right here Right now But one person's right thing … To another's the wrong thing My heart, soul and conscience is struggling with how How can we find common ground for good living For all to enjoy All that is there The basis for all of our rules for good living Should acknowledge the blessings are meant to be shared I'm prone to dreaming and looking for answers The questions I ponder Have answers I pray Yes, I say a prayer that we'd all ask hard questions And our soul-sought solutions would dawn a new day The dawn of a new day where love is pervasive Compassion and kindness And tolerance true Where minds have a meeting to iron out our problems And I'm sure that it must start with me and with you Bill Dugan
Re: I Have A Poem For You Today!
9/26/2005 8:07:07 AM
Thank you for that sweet poem Marilyn. God Bless Randy
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).

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