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You're absolutely right..
9/24/2005 5:56:43 PM
Hi Bob! I believe part of the problem as with much of the Internet, lies with in the information that most Newbies are expoused to . Which is all you have to do is Promote, promote, promote, and our system will do the rest. Then they are given hundreds of places to go to do this (usually including a large list of forums), but Rarely are they given instructions on How to properly promote! You are absolutely right, and I don't blame the people doing it one bit! That's why I started this forum to help - because I do see the problem for what it is. : ) Want to know a little secret? Most of the places giving out that kind of advice don't really care if their people succeed. Know why? Because if they have a thousand people posting all over the Internet, that's free link-back that would cost them a boat load of cash if they tried to buy it. What I'd like to do is try show people how to take what's out there and make it work to their benefit. I figure that anyone trying to make an income online isn't really doing it for the money. We all think we want money... but money itself means nothing. It's what we do with it that counts. Maybe we have a child that we want to send to college. Or bills that we have to pay. Or a spouse that we want to help. No one would put themselves through the mess of trying to figure out how to sell online if they didn't care deep in their heart about what money could change in their life. That's the part that I keep in mind as I try to help. That, and knowing that the people handing out self serving information AREN'T thinking of that. Thanks so much for posting... : ) Linda P.S. And thanks for the compliments, too.
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Re: Article: How To Make Profit Through Public Forums
9/24/2005 6:32:50 PM
This has to be one of the best helpful Forums for the community I have seen in a while. Thank you so much Linda. Awesome Job. I agree that many can use this to improve allot about themselves and there technique with advertising there businesses. I sometimes do it too. I write the quick posting and move on. I don't mean to insult by doing that, but there is an overwhelming forum add up on some days. Members can not get too them all. I personally save them until I can get too them. I do not delete myself from anyones forum. If I do not have something to say then I do not post. I wrote about Respecting others a while back. Others have Forums with a bit more bite too them about the situation. I have really learned something here with your Forum today. Peter told me in his Forum that your Forums were going to be very enlightening and informative. Thank you again Linda Your Friend,
Thanks Lee
9/24/2005 6:49:36 PM
Hi Lee! This has to be one of the best helpful Forums for the community I have seen in a while. Thank you so much Linda. Awesome Job. Thanks Lee, very much. I sometimes do it too. I write the quick posting and move on. I don't mean to insult by doing that, but there is an overwhelming forum add up on some days. Members can not get too them all. That is SO true. It really can get almost overwhelming, because there's no way anyone could get to all the posts. If we tried, we'd spend all day here. : ) I finally found the best solution for me is to pick time slots for all the things I like to do. "x" number of hours of work, "y" number of hours at forums, "z" number of hours reading, etc. lol. And I try to leave some unaccounted hours so that if something pressing comes up, I can fit that in, too. Only problem is, I need a 30 hour day instead of a 24 hour one. lol : ) Linda
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Re: Thanks Lee
9/24/2005 8:40:35 PM
So true Linda! Thank you for the tip. I am trying to do time management now. Some days are good and others like today can be a AHHHH! Thank you for your reply to mine. Your Friend,
Flag of Lisa Reddell

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Re: Article: How To Make Profit Through Public Forums
9/25/2005 1:46:12 PM
Hi Linda, This is a terrific article! I know our newcomers to our community will find it of great benefit. I too, like everyone else receive tons of forum invitations. And its not physically possible to respond to each and every one of them. And yes, many of them are blatent ads, and I'm simply not interested. But, I do try to actually look at the forums I'm invited to. If I find it interesting or informative, I'll post. And I'm guity as charged... with posting "great post, thanks for sharing", but sometimes I feel it necessary to commend the forum owner for their efforts, especially if said owner is a newcomer. (wouldn't want their efforts or spirits dampened - some people who have never done anything like start a forum before, can actually be scared to death that they will do something wrong and in their eyes, make a fool out of themselves. (been there, done that - LOL!) Also, (and this is just a tad off subject), but still closely related I think, and if its not, my apologies) I believe that folks also should be aware that when sending invitations for friendship here, sending a blatent ad in your invitation is a definate turn off for many people. I receive many, many invitations that is one big ad. No "Hi how are you, kiss my foot" or anything else but "Visit my site and make $$$". Well, thanks, but no thanks. At least become my friend with a sincere invitation before you send me an ad. When an invitation is sent, visiting the website of the invitee and commenting on it, shows the invitee that you at least were interested enough to see what they were offering. Be sincere with your invitation, and leave the ads out. Okay, I feel better now :) I look forward to more of your articles, Linda. Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
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