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Gene Tinney

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Re: If we all did the things we are capable of doing...
9/24/2005 10:49:46 AM
Bogdan,I astounded myself when i took up the computer.i didn't think i could do it.i still have a lot to learn but here i am !! Gene
Re: If we all did the things we are capable of doing...
9/24/2005 11:39:43 AM
Yep got to step over the threshold often of what you think you are capable of doing to continue to astound yourself Peace, Love, Liberty Kris McCraw

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Chris Wiseman

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Re: If we all did the things we are capable of doing...
9/24/2005 2:57:29 PM
What a wonderful quote and yes we can all acheive fantastic things if we just believe we can. Great post thank you for sharing.
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Re: If we all did the things we are capable of doing...
9/24/2005 3:48:17 PM
Thanks for invite Bogdan - my friend, and so true this words is, a wonderful quote. I like what You write - it is deep... Another: Just think IF people could use 100% of our brain, insteed of 8 - 14%, what would we be capable to do? People are not made to be capable to do all the things we could do - cause we have`nt been able to use all our brainpower - and thanks for that. On professor told once that what human uses og their brain, could be putted in to an orange. (My o my, what would we look like then?) Have a nice weekend, and please write more..
Lisa Westberry

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Re: If we all did the things we are capable of doing...
9/24/2005 7:20:06 PM
That would be a truely amazing outcome for our world wouldn't. Really makes me think about it. Also what it would do for the people, our children, our futures. If it could really only be. Your Friend,