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Re: * * * Prison Vs. Work Debate * * * :-)
9/23/2005 4:02:03 PM
Now I am really laughing, Felicia!!!!!
Re: Why work if Prison is that good ?
9/23/2005 4:03:57 PM
Who says Prison is bad where do I sign up? This comparison to work plainly sets the record straight. Your master pays you the least amount to keep you around in an illusion of freedom. In many respects the prisoner is better to be locked up than be able to go home at night. Wow maybe that is the reason I've been working for myself since I left the Navy in 97. Maybe that's the reason I don't look for jobs anymore. Maybe thats the reason I don't pay income taxes anymore. Maybe that's the reason I don't think of myself as free anymore ! We are all slaves to the system just depends who you call master and the Bennies you get for being a good slave! ROTFLMAO :-)

imercury aka Kristopher McCraw
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Re: * * * Prison Vs. Work Debate * * * :-)
9/23/2005 4:05:03 PM
Dear Felicia Like I Said, Awesome Laugh, More People Should Have Your Sense Of Humor. Thank You Again For The Laugh, Joseph Munoz At
Joseph Munoz
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Re: * * * Prison Vs. Work Debate * * * :-)
9/23/2005 4:06:29 PM
Good, Margaret, that's more like it! ;-)

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Re: * * * Prison Vs. Work Debate * * * :-)
9/23/2005 4:16:50 PM
Good one. And unfortunately so very true. Tina

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