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Re: Americas Favourite Healthy Snack
9/23/2005 8:13:48 AM
Thank you Anthony. I love jerky too, especially when I am hiking.
Nap Jones

Stop working for pennies and cents and move up to real good commissions
Re: Americas Favourite Healthy Snack
9/23/2005 12:02:41 PM
Hi everyone. Thank you for taking the time to have a look at an honest product driven business opportunity. I do not know about all of you, but I am getting mighty sick of all these, 'just sign up ten people to send out this same email & you will earn money' con's. I first started in network Marketing around 15-20 years ago, when Amway first came to the UK. AS it was a product that you could retail to customers, or sign-up others who wanted their own business, it worked. I earned money at it, I had repeat customers (otherwise you don't have a continuous recuring income) who where happy with the products & wanted more each time, & I built a quite substantial down-line of happy retailers. Then those darn 'Pyramid' con's started up & people got burned & suddenly Network marketing was a dirty word. I had further success later on, when the furor died down,with Bettaware, (Similar to tupperware parties, but more of product range) various health products, & before I started the long drawn out process of emigrating, I did rather well with Herbalife. Now, after a lot of research, I have found another product based networking business, which I must admit, I only really got to know & like, when I first visited Pam here in America. I had heard of Jerky, but it is not exactly popular in the UK or easily obtainable (well it was not, before I finally left). Since then, I love the the taste of that dried, flavoured beef, snack. Pam even showed me how to make my own with a dehydrator,& I have spent many happy hours mixing up different marinades, to find the elusive 'right' taste. Now I find a business, which not only delivers a ½lb bag to my door, cheaper than I can buy it (or make it), but there is also a business opportunity to go with it. Now I really like Network marketing, & having the chance to retail a snack food I love as well, just kind of makes me real happy. On a final note, the company has FREE conference calls, Tuesday,Wednesday & Thursday evenings (USA only) Had an email today about an important call next week, about the launch of a new product line. So that means even more chance to earn money. I'm just sorry, that as of this time, the business opportunity is only for Americans, as this product does sell like the proverbial 'Hot Cakes' I'm actually typing this now & I'm almost at the bottom of my 'sample' bag of Original Jerky. Guess, I will have to hide at least one bag away, or I will not be able to let prospective customers sample any..... Even my mad hound thinks it is better than our home made Jerky, & he is very fussy about food. Well, back to work, I've got a lot of my 'lists' names & email address to load into the free autoresponder you get with this opportunity. Here is the link again, to save you going back to the original post.
Misty Hickox

128 Posts
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Re: Americas Favourite Healthy Snack
9/26/2005 12:51:21 PM
Thank You Anthony I agree that jerky is Americas favorite snack food.
Re: Americas Favourite Healthy Snack
10/2/2005 6:57:20 PM
Misty, I agree too, as I know that now I'm almost an American Citizen, it has become my favourite number one snack. Wether I'm out fishing, on a road trip or just watching the 'one-eyed-monster-in the-corner-of-the-room' I just love this brand of Jerky & all of it's many flavours.