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Re: This is a huge giveaway, & NO con.
9/15/2005 11:41:21 AM
I signed up with them a while back and forgot all about them. Thanks, Anthony, for reminding me. I already have a few of the downloads in a folder. There is some good stuff there. Thanks, Chris
Chris Deffenbaugh GDI Associate
Re: This is a huge giveaway, & NO con.
9/15/2005 11:53:22 AM
Hi Nice site I have joined regards carmenjulia
Re: This is a huge giveaway, & NO con.
9/15/2005 12:24:01 PM
Hi Harold, & everyone else. As far as I can make out, the reason is for when this site is not free anymore. People you introduce who buy programs from it, (If they want to that is) generate commision for you, so it gets paid into either your Stormpay, or PayPal accounts. You will find this 'amazing sale page' when you log-in, it's says its for a ltd time & you will only see it once, but have seen it a few times now. As for the 'Freebies', After looking very closely at a lot of them, they are not all 'free' & you have to sign up for most of them, but then anything thats free is normally used to build lists, so my advice is use your 'free' spam email address that I talked about in another post. Never, use your business or private email address, to sign up for free offers, use a MSN Hotmail, or Eqqu, or at a last resort Yahoo. (lots of problems with virus spam on Yahoo at moment, get new account & just delete everything that is not a 'listed' address) Sorry, my mistake for not informing everyone with original post, but got blown away with some of the free downloads...... So, when you get your confirmation email, please use a 'free' email address to sign up for any downloads that require it.
Harold Coram

193 Posts
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Re: This is a huge giveaway, & NO con.
9/15/2005 1:10:07 PM
Hey Anthony, Thanks greatly for the clarification. Harold (The Marathon Man)
Your Road Map To Success
Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: This is a huge giveaway, & NO con.
9/15/2005 1:14:34 PM
Hi Anthony, Thanks for the invite, I just joined. Will give it a go! Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl

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