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Kathy Hamilton

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9/14/2005 10:57:31 AM
Hello my friends,Thank you all so much for all your kind words,kathy martin Success Success is speaking words of praise, In cheering other people's ways, In doing just the best you can. With every task and every plan, It's silence when your speech would hurt, Politeness when your neighbor's curt, It's deafness when the scandal flows, And sympathy with others woes, Its loyality when duty calls, It's courage when disaster falls, It's patience when the hours are long, It's found in laughter and in song, It's in the silent time of prayer, In happiness and in despair, In all of life and nothing less, We find the thing we call success. Author unknown; many blessings to you my friends and with much love,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Carla Carey

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Re: Success
9/14/2005 11:28:00 AM
Thanks for the forum, Kathy it is a blessing as usual! Please be sure to post your links in my forums anytime. Hope you are doing better, God bless! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Paul Davey

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Re: Success
9/14/2005 11:32:51 AM
Hi Kathy, Hmm Author unknown are you sure you did'nt write it yourself :) luv to you God Bless Paul X
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Re: Success
9/14/2005 11:48:15 AM
Hope you're feeling better, thanks for the great words to be shared again.
Judy Woodson

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Re: Success
9/14/2005 1:18:39 PM
What a lovely poem, Kathy. Had to copy this one - know it will go into a mailing one of these times. Have a great week! :) Judy