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PayPal ID confirmation SCAM
9/11/2005 9:12:18 PM
I recieved an email with this subject line: PayPal Security Notice ID #PP-*****-Identity Confirmation Request. It all looked normal and had all the expected security warnings etc.. Till I got to the bottom of the page, the sign out was thus: Sincerely, Carla PayPal Account Rewiew Departament Bingo!!... Red Flag!! So I put my cursor over the links.. I have a Crazy Browser for surfing and it has some extras built in for security, this is the site I would have been directed to: (disabled now w/gaps) http:/ / au/webscr.php?cmdLogIn I sent the email in to and got a confirmation back that it was a fake site. Aparently there is a chance that these fake sites also come with nasty viral bugs, and paypal security tells me that now I will have to be extra carefull because the scammers share email lists and rotate them. You can get a free crazy browser (also splits pages like a window pane) at: I thought you all could do with an alert on this scam... It also said not to ever give out your password to any paypal employee, then on the redirected page asked me for my email and password! You'd think that if someone went to all the trouble of duplicating a website they'd proof read it for spelling errors. It's a crazy world we live in. Now I'm off to an apointment with my software buddy named NORTON. Be Aware, Be Careful, Be Well. Sandra
Sandra Martineau Sandel
Re: PayPal ID confirmation SCAM
9/11/2005 11:16:35 PM
Hi Sandra, I get about a half dozen of these a day. Some of them can look very authentic.Everyone needs to be very carefull these days.You hit it right on the nose.If you hoover your mouse pointer over the link you will see where it will take you before you click on it. Tony
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Re: PayPal ID confirmation SCAM
9/12/2005 4:20:44 AM
Hi Sandra I belong to Paypal and they were good enough in telling me how to tell which is a true Paypal email. Thanks Linda
Re: PayPal ID confirmation SCAM
9/12/2005 2:00:22 PM
Hi Tony, hi Linda, I recieved another sugestion as well, that Ebay has a tool bar called "Account Gaurd" that will alert you to PayPal and Ebay hoaxes. Sounds good. I did run my Norton and I guess I lucked out, no attached viruses. I had gone into one of the links without thinking.. I won't do that again. Theres alot of good information in the posts in this caregory "Scams & Online Fraud" that this post is in, real eye openers for sure. Be well, Sandra
Sandra Martineau Sandel
Re: PayPal ID confirmation SCAM
9/12/2005 2:12:10 PM
Hi Sandra, You are correct in the fact the the scammers are trying the old PayPal 'Your account has been attacked on ***Aug or whatever date' This one & 'Your PayPal account has been suspended' are some of the more popular scams, that keep being repeated. I have posted them elsewhere in this forum & still people keep getting caught by them. The last week I have received over 15 of these type of emails in the various email accounts we have. ALL of them are infected with viruses The same with warning emails from Yahoo accounts (If you have a Yahoo account) varying from 'update your account details' 'account suspended' 'Warning of account suspension for email spams' the list goes on. These too are all virus infected. PayPal, StormPay, E-Gold or whatever type of payment processor you use will always start an email with your name/account name. NEVER,NEVER with Paypal member, Stormpay member etc. Do not click on any links in any type of email like this or even on the actual page of the email as some of the nastier ones are not text emails at all, but gif or jpeg HTML emails & the whole email is click able

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