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Re: Not a Member yet?
1/26/2005 6:06:16 AM
Hi i was under the impression that the greatest marketer will advertise and the members will reap the profits in Better Universe.there's no need for member to refer.... visit ...
Lisa Reddell

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Re: Not a Member yet?
1/26/2005 8:56:20 AM
Hi Sergey, Thanks for the invite, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I'm currently involved in all the opps I can handle at the moment. Warmest Regards, Lisa Reddell :`) Publisher, The Left Handed Times Ezine Curator, The Gotta Shop Shoppe
Lisa Reddell :`)
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Dale Ostrum

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Re: Not a Member yet?
1/26/2005 12:04:49 PM
Thanks Sergey but not at this time Dale
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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Not a Member yet?
1/27/2005 4:33:26 AM
What is PlexPay? The PlexPay Card is a Visa Debit Card with a tremendious income potential build in. Matrix Club Member earn $ 40.00 commission on every new matrix member in their 3-up 3x7 Forced Matrix-Structure. No Credit qualifications, you're qualified! Access to over 750.000 ATM's worldwide. No more expensive check-cashing fees. Safe, convenient, and secure. Get control over your finances. Earn $ 87.480,- with your PlexPay Card. The only Card in the world that pay's you. Premium Membership: There are two choices to become qualified matrix club member: 1. You sign up and pay your matrix club membership fee from this site. To qualify to earn residual income you need to refer only three new club member. 2. You become a free member and refer six other people to your replicated website. As soon they sign up for their matrix club membership, you will earn 3 x USD 40,- (USD 120,-). Now you can purchase your membership and qualify for all features, commissions and benefits. What is the difference to other Debit Cards? There is a tremendious difference to other, regular Debit Cards. You don't buy just another card. Your PlexPay matrix card is your membership card (your ticket to paradise) to many valuable features and benefits you can not find anywhere else e.g.: You earn premium commissions on all new premium members in a 3-up forced 3x7 matrix structure. You refer three and you are free. (3 x $ 40.00,- = 120.00,-) You get paid on your PlexPay Card worldwide. You don't even need a bank account. You can work, travel or live wherever you want. You don't need any credit card qualification or credit checks. With your premium membership your are entitled to spend a vacation* in the Caribbean in Belize (2 adults). A comfortable bungalow in our eco-village will be reserved for you - two weeks a year free of change! (good for 5 years). You can build your own bungalow in the eco-village or we will build it for you. All 100% hurricane resistant, a worldclass building system, best insulation, etc. (website). ...more details
Dennis Clairmont

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Re: Not a Member yet?
2/15/2005 1:13:12 PM
Sergey Looking at the people in your forum and all through out example adlandpro forums and other places are great to a point if you want to chat and recieve offers from them. Sergey you offered your product nicely.Then you invited lot's of ppl to check it out. What i seen from the ppl you invited was more promotional attempts for what they are trying to offer you and instead. Now if this group of invited ppl got togather as 1 big downline with chosen programs voted and approved by say 25 to 50 to 100 ppl can you emagine if this chosen group of people the ads the search engine submissions the emails that could go out on the net with an organized group. The downline can be managed in a way that's fair to all invited members.The advertizing would pay for them from the recruited ppl. Sergey and his forum of good ppl and some good marketers.I'm not selling,promoting,or offering nothing.Heck i'm probly like alot of you tired of joining everything and no one listining to my offers in return.Who's filling there pockets probly not us ??? i suppose you have a good idea. If you could get an organized group of these kinds of prople i would through me part into the pot. Anyway thanks for the invite.I wish all you individuals great success in your endeavors. Dennis
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