
Bogdan Fiedur

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As long as you’re going to think anyway....
1/25/2005 9:14:33 AM
"As long as you’re going to think anyway, think big." – Donald Trump, real estate executive
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Magdalena Gjesvold

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Re: As long as you’re going to think anyway....
1/25/2005 11:50:47 AM
Hello Bogdan! AND TOMMOROW NEVER DIES!!! Brigtest Blessings!!! Maggie
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Re: As long as you’re going to think anyway....
1/25/2005 12:16:34 PM
In my school days many moons ago I remember but correct me if I am wrong. There was an old poem I think by Tennyson and Browning? I think it was called: The Grammarians Funeral? The details: The person who aims at One Million And gets 990.000 Is much better off: Than the person who Aims for 100 And gets 100 The Moral of this Poem is always SET YOUR GOALS TO AIM HIGH AND TOMORROW NEVER DIES THE PAST IS GONE - Learn by it Alas its gone like water under a bridge NOW there is the TODAY - NOW TODAY WE MUST CREATE THE FUTURE SO TOMORROW NEVER DIES LOOK AND PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE Bryan Webb
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Re: As long as you’re going to think anyway....
1/25/2005 2:08:53 PM
ABSOLUTELY!!! Reach for the MOON! Even if you fall short, the STARS are a pretty neat plase to be too!! NEVER before did I believe I could be sitting where I am today! ALL things are possible!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
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Re: As long as you’re going to think anyway....
1/27/2005 4:49:12 PM
Hi Bogdan, That's right but it depends on the situation step by step before going to that level but there's nothing impossible if you have the guts to do it everything is possible when you think big its a dream or reality. Regards, Eva Marie Farrell
Thanks, Eva Marie
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