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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Experience is simply the name we give...
9/8/2005 11:56:14 AM
Hello Bogdan, Thanks for this great quote,We learn through are mistakes and become better and gain more experience from it,thanka,very nice seeing you,kathy martin
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Paul Davey

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Re: Experience is simply the name we give...
9/8/2005 1:08:06 PM
And our mistakes make us wiser. (should)? :) Paul
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Gene Tinney

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Re: Experience is simply the name we give...
9/8/2005 2:46:11 PM
hello Bogdan.Someone once said to me if you don't make mistakes you must not be doing anything. your friend Gene
Re: Experience is simply the name we give...
9/8/2005 3:41:09 PM
Brillient my friend; simply brillient Peace and Love Your friend Jeff
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Michael Rogers

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Re: Experience is simply the name we give...
9/8/2005 6:04:29 PM
Hello Bogdan, Yes, and the true secret is actually learning from them. Good quote, Thank you for keeping us all on our toes! have a great day ahead Bogdan respectfully,

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