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8/25/2009 11:12:45 PM
I have been debating with myself whether or not to post this message on this site. But my decision to proceed is motivated by a concern that all the freedoms to pursue whatever path to success we as marketers choose to follow is being threatened. Therefore in the words of Admiral David Farragut “Damn the Torpedoes” I’m charging ahead.

 To set the stage, my credentials which I will use as a backdrop for my opinions are as follows:

   Eight years USAF
   Ten years Commercial Banker
   Twenty-five Mortgage Banker
   Thirty years part time Network Marketer

My entire civilian working career was in a competitive market. That career ended in two thousand with my well deserved retirement. So with the exception of my small (by design) network marketing business, I have enjoyed the roll of observer to all business and political matters. I no longer can be a mere passenger on a train headed for what I see as a complete train-wreck of our long cherished free enterprise based society. I watched with utter amazement as the majority (52%) of Americans and virtually the entire print and electronic media completely, without question, adopt the philosophy of a candidate for President of the United States whose Ideas and ideals were shaped by radicals and Marxists. Those aren’t my words, those words were spoken by the man now occupying the White House for the next four years.

 History can’t be re-written, the election is over, and time marches on. The only thing we can alter is the future, and my concern is what that future is going to look like for our children, grandchildren and beyond. I submit to you that unless a dramatic change of course is not made, which is caused by citizens like you and I DEMANDING our lawmakers and president quickly steer our Ship of State in a different direction or the House of Representatives, Senate and White House will have a sea of new fresh faces come next election (2010 and 2012).

I will list only a few of my concerns and I leave you with the challenge of researching further on your own. Don’t take my challenge lightly as you will regret the day you chose to stand idle and neglect your civic duties.

A few of the issues concerning to me:

   1 Bailouts ( nearly 1 TRILLION dollars we don’t have)
   2 Stimulus (797 BILLION dollars we don’t have)
    Budget FY 2010 (500 BILLION dollars we don’t have)
   TARP (700 BILLION dollars we don’t have)
   Nationalizing banks, insurance companies, and automakers
   National Healthcare
   Acorn ( 7 BILLION dollars of taxpayers funding money we don’t have)
   A mountain of debt impossible to repay.
   SEIU and Apollo writing stimulus, cap and trade and healthcare legislation.(Publicly stated by Sen. Harry Reid when he thanked those organizations for their “help” writing those bills.)
   Advisors to the President (CZARS) who are avowed Communists, Socialists, Marxists and radicals by their own words.

The list is a lot longer and much more detailed, but I hope you get the idea that we as a nation cannot sit on the sidelines any longer and watch.

If you have in any way benefited from our Constitutional Rights and the market (Free Enterprise) system that has made the United States of American the greatest nation on the face of the earth, then you have an obligation to become informed and take a position, either way, on the future direction of this great nation.

NW Marketing is a skills business. Our people are given the skills and then taught how to use them.

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