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RE: Unique, Unusual or Interesting Pictures ~Week #5~ Aug 24th - Aug 31st.
8/31/2009 8:42:54 AM

Hi Luka,

I am so glad that you dropped by...I know how busy you are but your time here is appreciated.  I love all the pictures you have chosen to post & I especially like the duck and her chicks....that is just precious.

Also, thanks for going back and posting your video on the T VQ forum.  I will listen to it though I haven't gotten a chance to yet.  Thank you doing that.  I'm glad you got my pm and you know that you are loved my friend.  You are one in a million special guy.

Warn hugs and blessings to you!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Dimitra Bravou

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RE: Unique, Unusual or Interesting Pictures ~Week #5~ Aug 24th - Aug 31st.
8/31/2009 10:32:49 AM

Hi Cheryl,

Sorry I haven't visit your forum for some days. I couldn't log in my adland account. But fortunately today was the day I managed to do it!

I think now it's late to vote for the week's photo. I hope I don't miss the new one.

Have a nice week,


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RE: Unique, Unusual or Interesting Pictures ~Week #5~ Aug 24th - Aug 31st.
9/1/2009 4:59:30 AM

Hi Dimitra,

You are not alone in being able to access Adlandpro.  I think the transition has caused more problems than can even be known.  However...thanks for coming by here.  I appreciate your support and since the transition started, many people haven't been able to some post or even find the forums.  This means the voting is being postponed for another week.  I will keep you updated on what will be happening with this forum.  It was going really well until the it may be something that I will keep doing if the interest is there.  Thanks for letting me know of your continued interest.

Your support is very meaningful to me.

Thank you Dimitra.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Unique, Unusual or Interesting Pictures ~Week #5~ Aug 24th - Aug 31st.
9/1/2009 5:17:55 AM

Hi Everyone,

Here's a picture that Mary Hannan had posted on the forum before the didn't make it's way over here to the new format so I am re-posting it here for Mary.  It's a great photo and it definitly fits the bill for Week #5.

Thanks Mary, I lov ed the pic.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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RE: Unique, Unusual or Interesting Pictures ~Week #5, Extended~ Aug 24th - Sept 6th
9/4/2009 5:09:23 AM

Just  wanted to let everyone know that I extended week #5 another week due to the change over at Adland.  It's given us some things to work out the kinks on, but all in all, I think things will be back on track before you know it.  As far as this forum...we'll have to see what the interest level is.

Week #5 is extended until Sept. 6th to give people a chance to get use to the new format and finding the forums. 

You still have a few days to post pictures here that show the relationship between man and animals.  There have been some good ones posted, so you can browse through and see which picture you pick for #5's contest.   Please let me know by sending me a pm to my inbox.

Thanks friends and thanks to Bogdan and staff for helping to re post some of the pictures that were lost.

Take care everyone!



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