Here is a little help from a website owner. I paid $200 to find this out.To get top rateings on every page on your website, you must have 300 words per page and a small picture.That is why people use clipart!
About the links. No credit for here because "They refuse to delete all the junk e mail boxes in here." I have begged, but no use. I have asked them to not allow N. Korea and China in here. They just want numbers.
Why do I stay? I am using them, they are not using me. I upgraded to Adlanderplus. Then work with "messaging" to get out a message BY THE COUNTRYIES .One message,no addresses to put in or nothing.I had to buy points just once to get all the countrys I wanted.
The message: First ask them to be your friend by clicking on your picture and going to the top of your profile to get the "invite to be a friend link". I always say something nice or helpful about Adlander to them.Check out the forum links to post your business etc.... Then do a business message. Finish up with your real e mail.
What you will get is 1,000"s of friends quickly. A big e mail list to pitch your business to. Now say thankyou to Mary Bird , your true friend here at Adlandpro.