
Re: Facebook Adlandpro MySpace Twitter Free Ad Thread 8/17-8/24/2009 Martinezshopper Runningman Findcash
8/19/2009 5:15:46 AM
The Perfect $1program, plus, for the Serious at heart ...

How would you like to receive 100 verified payment e-mails
from Paypal with $1.00 in each one - Every day!
. . . Onetime $1.36 + $1.50 Admin fee. . . .
Ok, sound to good to be true? Well... Its not, its brilliant
and easy to do in your free time. You can put some extra
money in your Paypal account every day.
Get over $600 worth of downloadable infromation.
 - -
They will show you, step by step, how to put this plan into
action. Get Paid Straight into your Paypal account! This
simple money making secret can be used in a number
of different ways.
 - -
Check It Out!
For the Serious at heart - TeamSuccessBuilder - New!
Brand New 3x6 Forced Matrix!Designed to Earn You $2,100
Every Month!  Multiple Positions Allowed!
. . . Only $20 a month! . . .
Start to receive $6 on all level 1 upgraded members. And if
you also sponsored them personally you will earn $18
(3x$6 level 1 commissions) + $12 (3x$4 Sponsor Bonus) = $30
from level 1 alone.
 . . . You Also Earn . . .
$1 on your 2nd, $2 on your 3rd, $1 on your 4th, $2 on your fifth, and
$2 on your 6th levels!  What A Great Pay Plan!

 . . . You will be able to . . .
create your own personal/business websites, blogs, wordpress
and a lot more without any restrictions. Your easy to use unlimited
hosting account will have the following features, just to name a few:
 - -
 . . . You will get . . .
* Unlimited *  GB Space, GB Bandwidth, FTP Accounts, Email
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4 Website Builders (cPanel - RVBuilder, 50+ Fantastico De Luxe
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System! (Aweber and GetResponse cost $20 per month minimum)
 . . . And MORE! . . .
This is a Real product/service with a monthly fee.  It is worth it Just
for the A.R..
Again, Aweber and GetResponse cost $20 per month....
Look again at what else you get.  Go here -
 - -
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Re: Facebook Adlandpro MySpace Twitter Free Ad Thread 8/17-8/24/2009 Martinezshopper Runningman Findcash
8/20/2009 8:42:22 AM
Pyrabang, People Search, GDI equal F-R-E-E-D-O-M !!!

Hi all, you have been my online friends for months or years now. You have the ability to reach a ton of people. This world we live in is constantly changing and we never know what might happen next. To me, the answer is freedom, residual income, let's help each other.

Start with People Search, you get $125 in free commissions to start, the program is totally free to join and participate (you can be a paying member if you like), you get $5 per referral, you get a ton of great & free pay-per-click advertising in Google & Yahoo, only $200 payout.

Then, how about Pyrabang, if you upgrade to Gold for only $6 a month, the rewards are phenomenal. You get to advertise your message to thousands who are hungry already. It is like having your own Media Center or company, your own television or radio station!

Finally, you cannot go wrong with GDI, for only $10 a month you get $1 a month from each downline for unlimited levels. You get a top-level domain, niche website, global audience!

Will you join me in one or all of these, only $16 a month, you can recruit many people.
I already got paid $210 via Paypal just from People Search for free, the Proof:
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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