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Re: Unique, Unusual and Interesting Pictures ~Week #4~ Aug 16th - Aug 23rd.
7/26/2010 2:42:16 PM

In India there are no such thing as an orderly queue. The very second this bus stopped all the people who wanted on, just rushed the bus. So the people who wanted off the bus. Couldn't Absolute chaos, but very funny to watch. Ooty. Tamil Nadu. South India. Push off and on.jpg

I really thought this old bus was going to run into our Tuc Tuc. The driver was having a real good laugh. Jaipur India.

Thought this old bus was going to run into us. Amber Fort. Jaipur.jpg

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Re: Unique, Unusual and Interesting Pictures ~Week #4~ Aug 16th - Aug 23rd.
7/28/2010 3:31:46 AM
Thanks Bill, what an experience living in India. That must have been so interesting for you and your wife.

Drop by anytime and share some more pictures.

take care,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique, Unusual and Interesting Pictures ~Week #4~ Aug 16th - Aug 23rd.
7/28/2010 3:37:06 AM
Hi again Bill,

That is so amazing. One wonders why they don't sink...or maybe they do sometimes and it doesn't make the news like it would here. Life must be very different in those far away places.

Keep on sharing your great photos.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique, Unusual and Interesting Pictures ~Week #4~ Aug 16th - Aug 23rd.
7/28/2010 3:43:14 AM
Hey there Sara,

Nice to see you. Yes, it's always fun to see things and places that stretch ones mind. It's quite interesting to me to see how people on the other side of the globe live. It would be a bit of a culture shock to ones psyche...yet it would be fun and intriguing.

Thanks for dropping by Sara...and thanks to Bill for re-igniting the photos here.

Way to go Bill!!!

take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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