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Thomas Richmond

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Bizzy Blogz Community
8/11/2009 4:03:33 PM

Hello Adlandpro members as you know i took over as the CEO and Ownership of all Bizzy Blogz and its associates last Dec. Just a few things I've done with it so far, i made it easier for you to log in and out with no problems, although my Video section that takes youtube videos will no longer take them unless you personally have one you made yourself to upload.

Thats gonna cost me some to get that fixed (sigh) LOL

I have also made the emails you send to other members in your account to load HTML for full effectiveness to impress your friends.  the site alone gets to 80 -150 guests a day depending on the days, since i have been advertising it, from December 08 it got 30 to 40 views a day, it has grown and that is rapidly getting more higher. 

You can also use CSS myspace scripts on it, i fixed that as well.

If you don't now how or what a CSS is i have tutorials for you to read to help you but as always if you need any kind of help don't hesitate to ask me, thank you! :)

God_bless you- Bizzy Thomas

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Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: Bizzy Blogz Community
8/11/2009 6:18:57 PM
Hi Thomas thanks for letting me know.  I keep forgetting about Bizzy Blog because it does not send me any email.  I belong to quite a few social networks.

I will go log in to look at the new features.

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Bizzy Blogz Community
8/11/2009 6:25:52 PM

Hi Barb!

Yes your a member, its always nice to see really really cool friends :)  your a Gold member if im not mitaken?

Love u too. 

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: Bizzy Blogz Community
8/11/2009 11:09:51 PM
Hi Thomas I am not a Gold member.  But maybe someday when I have extra money.

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

Donna Zuehl

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Re: Bizzy Blogz Community
8/13/2009 10:13:48 AM
Thank you for the update, Thomas. I haven't been on bizzy blog for the longest time. I had kind of forgotten about it, but will see if I can remember my log-in information. DonnaZ