
Re: Everything I do, I do it for you free ad thread 8/11-8/18/2009
8/11/2009 2:41:40 PM

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Shirley Rushing

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Thanks, Bob & Shirley Rushing,

Bob and Shirley**** **** **** ****Join Free
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Everything I do, I do it for you free ad thread 8/11-8/18/2009
8/11/2009 3:00:08 PM

Welcome back i see you made it in,

hope there was no other problems.


Need your Sites Indexed? Need potential customers?? 

Will get Traffic to your websites! :)

 Best Regards

- Bizzy Thomas

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
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Vessie Hartzog

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Re: Everything I do, I do it for you free ad thread 8/11-8/18/2009
8/11/2009 3:20:22 PM
Hi Stephen,

Thank you again!

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All my Best,

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Re: Everything I do, I do it for you free ad thread 8/11-8/18/2009
8/12/2009 8:39:12 AM

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the great forum. Here's my ad:

Chris Belding
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Re: Everything I do, I do it for you free ad thread 8/11-8/18/2009
8/12/2009 11:50:33 AM
Thomas, I'm like The Runningman, so while I can run, I can't hide ha ha. And neither can Nick Sym thank God. Good to have him back as well. Steve

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