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Ray Gollis

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** Get Internet Marketing Training Here***
8/10/2009 3:18:21 PM

** Get Internet Marketing Training Here***

The Big Picture To Your Success

"The key to Success is Duplication -
The key to Duplication is Simplicity."

Our MAIN job with theTRAFFICplan is to attract people looking for what we offer (a FREE and SAFE place to learn how to make money on the internet). The first step is to drive traffic to your website. That's it. It's that simple. Your system (since its automated) or your own Attraction Marketing Site, Blog and Email follow up will take over from there…

It’s important to note that theTRAFFICplan can work for you whether you have your own site (lead capture pages) or not.

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Experienced marketers can continue using attraction marketing or your own blog and run traffic from there into your Traffic Plan site as an offer for FREE training. This offer will produce terrific conversions because we have done a complete risk-reversal and effectively taken away all the risk to the prospect – think about it; theTRAFFICplan tools, training and many of its resources are truly FREE! That’s what likely brought you here, isn’t it?!

New marketers can start with theTRAFFICplan and use it to build their list, build relationships and close sales. Then, you can add your own personal site, blog, etc., later if you wish.

Remember the "Big Picture" is this:

In any marketing venture, the ABC’s are this simple:

* Attract Traffic & Build Your List(interested prospects)
* Build Relationships with your list
* Cultivate and Convert into Sales

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In order to accomplish this, you will leverage theTRAFFICplan to take a simple message to the masses:

1. “Joe (or Jane J), would you like to learn how to make money using the internet, for FREE?"

Joe can say yes or no. If Joe is interested in learning, you send him to grab some free training information on your website (Lead Capture Page) which will offer him a FREE membership in our training center so he can begin to learn step by step.

Then, an eMail Newsletter will begin to teach him step by step how you make money from home using the internet, inviting him to free training webinars, recorded training and at the same time, it will also promote your TRAFFICplan product line of training courses for you. This email newsletter is included in your membership, or you can also take the messages and upload them to your own autoresponder (Aweber or GetResponse) and continue to build your own list.

2. Joe visits your website after opting in. Two things happen here:

a.) He begins to receive your email newsletter training. In those emails you refer him to your direct phone number, your Facebook page, Twitter, and your Blog, etc. The point is, you want Joe to start to get to know you better. When people get to know you better, they begin to build a relationship and trust you.

b.) Your emails always invite him back to your "Free Training Site”, or your FREE training webinars. Also, in the “P.S.” section of each and every email, you invite Joe to review your front end affiliate product (funded proposal) or your primary program’s “system” or sales page if you have one.

He gets to learn about you, your system, your training, your team and your primary or secondary business program and he can become a partner right then and there.

It typically takes a few weeks to build a warm relationship of trust with Joe. Your training emails should add value and the law of 'reciprocation' will begin to work...

The MAIN OBJECTIVE of your email series will be to ADD VALUE and build a relationship so Joe CALLS or EMAILS YOU.

You reassure Joe, that it is indeed that simple to make some money and you can help him clone your same approach so he can get up to speed fast. Then, you can ask Joe to join your team.

The KEY Process Gets Down To This:

* Self Improvement Growth and adding VALUE to YOURSELF by investing in your own education so you have information and value to share. Becoming an entrepreneur is a lifelong learning journey. You’ll have tons of great, relevant content to share with others by simply having your Social Profit Streams courses (101 & 202) at your fingertips. You’ll NEVER be at a loss for info that others will appreciate.

* Driving Traffic – Starting by building a FREE list of like-minded people to network with on Twitter and Facebook. Use Discussion Forums to attract targeted people for FREE, as well as different Social “Community” sites (details outlined in Social Profit Streams 202).

With a firm process and routine for generating free traffic, you turn to paid advertising offline and online, generating consistent traffic to fill your pipeline with leads that will constantly be flowing through your system.

* Conversions – Converting sales start with building relationships. Offering relevant, valuable content and being there when your prospects need a helping hand or some encouragement is a sure fire way to gain trust, establish a reputation as a person that is there to help others and builds solid relationships that lead to sales. It’s truly that simple. You’re just using a bit of technology to be able to share your message with masses of people for FREE, right from your laptop.

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As a brief review of what’s needed to “build a list” and sell online, here is a quick outline of the different pieces to the puzzle:

1. Lead Capture – You need a simple page that is designed to offer free compelling information to your prospect in return for their follow up information (name, email, and phone). This is done with a Lead Capture Page. Your TRAFFICplan membership gives you pre designed capture pages that you can use, or you can also create your own niche and keyword specific capture pages with our iStudio Capture Page Wizard Builder.

2. Follow Up System – 95% of your sales will be made because of your follow up with your prospects. To follow up on autopilot you need an email autoresponder if you want to build your own list. Although this is highly recommended to get your own autoresponder, it is not required with theTRAFFICplan because we have a built in autoresponder. That said, EVERY, and I mean EVERY marketer that takes this seriously, uses their own autoresponder. We will discuss what and how to use an autoresponder in more detail in our webinar trainings, but for now, I recommend you sign up for one of these listed below.

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3. “My Story” Page – Building a relationship with your follower list is the most important part of online marketing. You need to build trust and rapport to earn someone’s business. That is where sites like Facebook and Twitter are massive leverage tools. They are FREE and EASY to use, and you can use them to tell your story and network with your prospects.

Details on how to do this are provided in your Social Profit Streams 202 course which you can review and order here.

4. Sales Offers – So now that you’ve attracted quality traffic, built a list and created trusted relationships with your list, you simply need to get them in front of an offer. Your primary program is an offer. Any affiliate marketing products or services that you promote are offers.

The most efficient way to promote your offers are by one of the following methods:

a.) Inviting your prospects to your TRAFFICplan’s Opportunity iVault where you will showcase your opportunities with descriptions and reviews.

b.) By email follow up via your autoresponder by writing brief or in depth reviews of the benefits of your opportunities and providing the link direct to the sites for review and purchase.

5. Back-End Sales – Repeat sales from existing customers are usually 100% pure profit. As most everyone is aware, it’s MUCH more expensive to market for new sales every day than it is for you to send a FREE and simple email “pre-sell” or review that works to generate additional sales to your list of prospects who already know, like and trust you.

There are an endless array of relevant products and services that you can offer your follower list in your email follow up campaigns. We’ll show exactly how to do this in our training coaching calls, as well as our TRAFFICplan courses.

This is where owning the Social Profit Streams 101, 202 and 303 courses is invaluable. You have the step by step training tactics available at your fingertips anytime you need them. Using proven, effective copywriting tactics will drive targeted traffic to your site consistently and will give you a free and low cost, simple way to create awareness and share your simple message about theTRAFFICplan.

You’ll have all the relevant content needed to begin to share and teach people the basics of internet marketing, and this is what makes you worth following: you have information of value to give to an interested market. Be sure to order your Social Profit Streams courses asap so you can have content easily available and additional step by step details on how to use effective copywriting skills to build a targeted list of followers fast.

Lock in Your 300% Pay Raise And OWN EVERY One Of Our Courses With This Special Offer!

(Be sure not to miss clicking to the second page for the Special ONE TIME OFFER!)

Give yourself the gift of a 300% Pay Raise AND Passive Income! Upgrade to PREMIER MEMBERSHIP and become a PREMIER MEMBER which comes with ALL THREE COURSES INCLUDED for a HUGE SAVINGS!

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And there you have it. The simple “Big Picture” marketing on the internet in a nutshell. This brief tutorial will give you the basic understanding of the foundation that a thriving internet marketing business is built upon.

Special Note: Blog Training - At theTRAFFICplan we’ll be showing you how to fully leverage the internet and social media marketing by learning how to use your own Blog as a Control Center designed to:

1. Build Relationships by sharing valuable content
2. Brand and tell your story to people on autopilot
3. Attract FREE targeted traffic from the search engines and redirect it to your marketing funnel (your lead capture page) by fully leveraging search engines and social media sites with your posts.

In short, blogs today are powerful marketing tools. The great thing is that a blog is a super SIMPLE tool to use and we can show you exactly how.

If you need more detailed information on how blogging works to generate free traffic, build relationships and create income streams?

Click Here to learn more about Blogging and Social Marketing.

Need A Personal or Professional Marketing Blog Set Up?

Marketing Blog Setups Here

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Your long term goal should be to develop skills and tactics to drive a consistent stream of traffic to your lead capture page and then get good at BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS with people.

We keep this system very *SIMPLE*

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Any Questions or Concerns

Email At:

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