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Haven't You Read This Before
8/9/2009 1:13:18 AM

Haven't You Read This Before?

2000 years ago when asked a question by the Scribes Jesus Christ answered:

Haven't You Read It:

Jesus Christ knew already that they had, but knew that all others and this includes you would be needing this especially during these final days that lead up to the Second Coming Of the Lord or The Lord's Day.

We awake each day to chaos in the streets and market places. Our government is being run by crooks and evil politicians bent on destroying our lives and putting us in the hands of insurance companies and banks. Usury is a common occurrence in our life and we don't even realize that we are being played as sheep being led to the shearers.

Perhaps you haven't read it before and you don't know what to expect next. If this is true I would spend as much time as it takes catching up on the Word Of God. This way you'll be able to make the right decisions when the time comes.

Chuck Madere

I promote the best silver business opportunity called Silver Snowball where you can get free silver dollars each month. Cool.

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