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Re: Unusual, Unique and Interesting Pictures ~Week 3~ Aug 8th - Aug 15th, What's Your Transportation Wish?
8/12/2009 5:34:26 AM

I am very sorry, I put the first one two times. Below is the third (and, to be frank, the one I like the most) I wanted to show.


Sorry again,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Re: Unusual, Unique and Interesting Pictures ~Week 3~ Aug 8th - Aug 15th, What's Your Transportation Wish?
8/12/2009 11:42:33 PM
Hey Luka,

So glad to see you!  Yes, this is fun and we're seeing all sorts of things that are  coming out.

Just come back whenever you can and post your own idea of a mode of transportation you would like to have. 

Several folks have taken this challenge on & have posted some unusual vehicles indeed.  From the streets to the high seas & on up into the wild blue yonder!!!  These special crafts have captured our attention!

From the wiener mobile posted by Patricia, the UFO by Dimitra & the burger cycle by Alain, or the heel mobile by Sandra.  Aren't they all full of fun???

The classy Bentley that Sir Roger posted is quite civilized don't you think?.. And the one's in between...don't you just love it! 

Not to be outdone Kathleen has posted her fantasy creature that will carry her away & Luis Miguel has posted his garden "beetle" for us to enjoy.   Love it, love it, love it!

The XJR 15 sports coupe that kicked off the week is very stylish don't you think, & what of the yacht that's cruising around the oceans of the world. 

Keep all of these in mind and begin to think about who you're voting for this week.  We still have 3 more days to post before I come up with the next picture posting challenge for next week's party.  It will be'll see! 

Take care my friend Luka!  Come on back and post your dream vehicle!
Serious or's your choice, & we all want to see what it will be.

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unusual, Unique and Interesting Pictures ~Week 3~ Aug 8th - Aug 15th, What's Your Transportation Wish?
8/12/2009 11:53:11 PM
Hello Roger,

Your choice of dark blue is very classy I think.  But no matter what's a Bentley & I don't think you could go wrong there.  Somehow, I don't see a Bentley as a taxi, but then you guys do have a lot of black taxis over there.  At least we road in a black taxi everywhere we went when I was in the UK a few years ago.  I wasn't there for long...but it sure was hard to get used to seeing traffic going in the opposing direction than we have in the states.  It kinda freaked me out to see  traffic in my peripheral vision coming from another direction than what I was used to seeing. 

Can't wait to ride in your special car!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unusual, Unique and Interesting Pictures ~Week 3~ Aug 8th - Aug 15th, What's Your Transportation Wish?
8/13/2009 12:06:36 AM
Hey Luis Miguel,

I agree with you...the green grassy beetle is kinda cool!!!  This garden variety looks like it's sitting under a weeping willow tree.  I hope it's happy growing all that grass.

Thanks for your contribution Luis.  It's fun to see what you've chosen.  As far as the yacht I've chosen to post...I would love to go on a special trip for a couple of weeks on one of those beautiful private boats.  I would take my friends and family and we would have a blast cruising around.  I think I could be satisfied just renting one of these ships and the crew for a couple of weeks.   Talk about making a memory...that would be fantastic.  I don't have to own it, but then if I had the opportunity and the finances, I might consider it.

Blessings to you!

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: Unusual, Unique and Interesting Pictures ~Week 3~ Aug 8th - Aug 15th, What's Your Transportation Wish?
8/13/2009 12:11:36 PM
Hello Branka,

Wow, loved the smoking Granny and the cat, too! And

for winning last week!

Sorry this is a late congratulations, but my computer has been "wonky" all week, and I had to get my work done before I could do fun things!

Have some fun reading A Curious Garden Talks. Great for children and fun loving adults,too! Who Let The Splashes Out??? Gillwho Did:

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