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Campaigning to get AdlandPro established as a group in LinkedIn
7/22/2009 5:59:23 PM

Bogdan Fiedur, Owner of AdlandPro

Visit AdlandPro.file and get to know this exceptional community owner!

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I recently reached LION Status!

I am a proud Open Networker and if you are an Open Networker in LinkedIn ~ post your profile link ~ here is mine

Let Us Rave Bogdan!

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Campaigning to get AdlandPro established as a group in LinkedIn
7/22/2009 6:06:00 PM

Hi Jan,

Do you want us to join thru Bogdan's link or yours? Thanks for the info, I've heard of LinkedIn but haven't signed up yet!

Re: Campaigning to get AdlandPro established as a group in LinkedIn
7/22/2009 6:34:20 PM

It does not matter, since this is about encouraging Bogdan to establish a group on this site and recommending Bogdan ~ helps ~ sign-up from His profile :)

 Click to go to Bogdan's LinkedIn Profile

To help community members get started in LinkedIn; I have established an esclusive sub-group for AdlandPro in JazLive Network in LinkedIn

Vincent Parker

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Re: Campaigning to get AdlandPro established as a group in LinkedIn
7/22/2009 9:06:51 PM
Hey Jan, I just invited Bogdan to my LinkedIn network so I could recommend him.  I just sent you an invitation as well.  :)

Vincent R. Parker Independent Representative Global Domains International National Recruiter Daily Income Network
Re: Campaigning to get AdlandPro established as a group in LinkedIn
7/22/2009 9:21:23 PM
I have a Linkedln account. Creating a group there is like creating a forum here. Better do it before someone steals your idea.
Mikey Jayy Program Director KGUP FM Emerge Radio Los Angeles, CA