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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/25/2009 11:32:35 PM

Hey There Luis Miguel,

You're right that's a smile alright!  It's quite unusual, though I do know of a dog that smiles.  It's my neices dog Toby.  He's a little toy poodle/chihuahua mix & it's so strange when he looks at you with that little smile on his face. 

 I have dogs and I've never been able to get them to do that.  Maybe they could...they just don't know it!  One of them will give me a high-five or shake hands with me...but no smile! :-(

I love the picture & the adoring dog is so sweet.  This definitely qualifies & your support of this forum thread is appreciated.

Take care & I'll be back soon with the big surprise!  :-)

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/25/2009 11:40:03 PM


Thanks for the zebras that you posted.  It's a cool looking picture...I must have missed it before.

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Lovely L

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/26/2009 3:52:18 AM
Nice picture
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/26/2009 4:36:17 AM

Hello Cheryl,

Thank you for the invitation.

I found this photo. Can you see where is the baby?


Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/26/2009 8:04:45 AM

Hi, Cheryl .


Thak you, Peter.

I checked the links again.

It is  pitty,  they opened not the picture, but the page.

I got an idea. Next time I ‘ll put the link in my gallery.

If it works there, as a picture, I’ll publish in the forum:-)


Luis Miguel, yes, may be if I could, I should transport the Moon

where I think the best place is for it :-)

The photo about the “hands” and the “Nature” is great,too


Dimitra, wonderful. I found the baby.

It is  a Double vision


To all in the forum, “I Just Called To Say I Love You
